Saturday, September 25, 2010

Spy Camcorder Glasses?

102962640x[1] The name is E… Creep E
(and I like my women Shaken, not Scurred)

A Must Have for all Aspiring Spies, Police Informants, and overall weirdoes that wear sunglasses at night clubs. Recording at 320 x 240 resolution, it's perfect for uploading that ridiculous chick you bagged hiking up her skirt to show her thong as she dry humped you on the dance floor onto YouTube. Look Ma, No Hands... or future Job Opportunities once they tag your full name in it because you didn't Let him bone the 1st night yall hung out. But You know what they say, "What happens in the dark... is usually being recorded by a Pinhole camera in my glasses so sex me up before I ruin your life" Wisdom to live by. So for $200 you too can record up to 3hrs of video on a Micro SD and embarrass the mess outta someone.

Have fun.