Ummm, Huh? This intrigued the hell outta me for the sheer Oxymoronic nature. A Peaceful Alarm Clock? Lets read how this works...
This Clock Gradually increases Ambient Light, Stimulating Aromas and Peaceful Sounds 30min before the pre set time and buzzes gently at the end of the cycle.
Come to think of it... that's pretty dope. Everyone knows smells and lighting will def wake you up. If you think otherwise, try sleeping at Big Mamas house when she get to Cooking and Baking and see you don't pop up like a teenage boys basketball shorts when he sees his Spanish teachers Cleavage bent over in front of him. But… since these joints are about $70 right now, I'll skip on it until they lower the price or include Pancakes and/or Clean Aroused Disease-Free Vagina scents. Its 2010 Hammacher Schlemmer, get wit the program.