Monday, September 27, 2010

Is Your Hairline Looking Like Lindsay Lohans Jail time?


Sounds like you need a Hair Laser… No, No, No there's no cool G.I. Joe type joints here (HUGE letdown) but for you people going bald at 21 and have hairlines that look like Bad Lie Detector test results the your time is now. Apparently the best results, without transplants, is done by a process called Low Level Laser Light Therapy and is now available for home use for about $300.

The X5 Hair Laser claims to give results comparable $10,000 - $50,000 machines in clinics provide in 3weekly 15minute sessions over 8 weeks. Now I don't know if this works or not, but on the off chance it does... don't use on your crotch. Lasers, Crotch, Rapid Hair Growth... Just sounds like the start to an all around bad Emergency Room visit. It's not worth it, Unless you're into Teen Wolf sex. Then have at it.

Here are some Results the X5 Claims to give.

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With Photoshop skills available to the average person nowadays… I highly doubt this.