Sunday, August 7, 2011

Money Saving PC Virus Removal Tips



Typical Virus Removal Cost $199(per computer), my charge $75(per computer), this Solution, $39.99(for up to 3 computers with 1 year subscription including Anti-virus and 24x7 Tech Support), Interested?

I'm sure you've had one before, matter of fact if you are using a free anti-virus program right now I'm sure you probably have some malware on there right now. Don't feel like paying north of $170 to fix the problem or Having to Restore your entire computer losing all your data and Programs? Well, you're welcome.




Step 1) Anti-Virus

AVG Anti-Virus 3 User AVG has been making names for itself in the Tech World for some time now with its limited version of Anti-Virus called AVGfree available on but the paid version gives you so much more features that's its pretty much nonsense not to use it to clean Viruses off your computer. With this $39.99 software, available of or locally at Office Depot, you can actually install on up to 3 computers to protect for 1 year. So grab it even if you only have 1 because you can share or sell the other 2 licenses with friends/family to split the cost. Its as simple as Installing, following on screen prompts(being sure to be connected to high speed internet), and then running a full system scan. Be advised this 1st step alone will take hours to complete, I recommend letting it run overnight or during a time frame you do not need your PC at all.



Step 2) Malware Removal

malwarebytesNow normally this would be a first step since the free version of MalwareBytes is not an Anti-Virus per say, but more of a removal tool. Sounds confusing but the idea is that typical Anti-Virus programs prevent infection, not cure it. This software is actually free and, believe it or not, used by your local retailers in those $200 services, insane right? Install, update and run a full system scan with this software after AVG has completed. Again this can take a while so let it run as long as needed without interruption.

There is a paid version called Malwarebytes Pro that acts as both a remover and anti-virus if you wish to do that instead of AVG, but it does run $24.95 for 1 PC (multi-licensing discounts available) for Download only, having a disc will run an additional $9.95.



Step 3) Correct Registry Errors


This may sound funny, but it actually stands for "Crap Cleaner". Now I don't entirely understand why Microsoft does it this way, but there's a Slew of trash on your computer that you don't, have never, and will never use. But it's there, causing performance issues on your computer from within hidden folders you didn't even know existed. Now in all fairness you yourself have probably caused some of these issues downloading free programs and not uninstalling them properly, or the developer themselves didn't know how to write it all the way accurately and sometimes even windows updates themselves can cause issues. Mainly because people blindly install whatever's there without reading. All updates for windows are not all updates you need. Learning which ones you need is a time consuming process that most don't want to do learn, so just pay someone else to handle it at least once a year, its called an "Optimization" or "PC Tune-Up" at most locations. With Ccleaner (another free program) it will actually clear out a ton of junk files, temp files, internet histories and even fixes Registry Errors(main cause of crashes and performance issues).

Download CCleaner free here



Well, there you have it. If you simply do not have the $200 to spend getting your computer fixed correctly this is a Band-Aid that you can put on it to better the problem. Keep in mind though that this solution is make shift, there is still a large degree of computer expertise needed to fix the problem. Viruses are not all the same and this solution will only ensure most of the software issue is mended. This solution does not take into account that your virus issue could've damaged your hardware as well. Also variables will more than likely come up because these programs scan what could be viruses and will catch normal files necessary to run your programs that utilize the same format. By now you may be thinking... that $200 ain't so bad. You're right, you aren't paying for a product when you get a virus removed, you are paying for the expertise of getting the job done right.

But just in case though we offer remote and mail in service internationally if you need it done correctly for an affordable price (include city/state/country and Problem experiencing).


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