Monday, June 27, 2011

Must Have Apps: Quick Pull


Did you know that Smartphones (yes, ALL Smartphones) are recommended to be fully powered down at least once every day? Similar to computers, phones now have high end processors and ram (application memory) that get used with every website visited, song heard, video watched, game played, phone call, picture message, email and, believe it or not, even the touch screen itself. Fully power cycling your device daily will keep it running optimally for longer period of time. With this App from Steelhorn, they go a step further and simulate Pulling out the battery which is the only true way to reset all aspects of the computing device. They even go a step further to allowing you to set a timer that does it once a day for you automatically, at a preset time of your choosing (even if security locked if you so choose) so that it becomes a self sustaining worry free process. At only 314KB (0.3 MB) its smaller than a picture message and uses ZERO application memory until it activates which is when its resetting your device to clear All memory. Its the closest thing to 100% efficient you can get in an app. I'm hoping they start making similar software for all other Smartphone Manufactures because this is definitely a Necessary App.





And for you Twitter Addicted folk, you can even integrate with your page to let all your followers know when you are resetting automatically since it does take up to 15minutes to reboot if you have an old Trackball Blackberry. Your OG BB Users know of the old struggle




App World Link:

Developer Website: